Wednesday, December 30, 2009

For the high-level Diviners or the curious: Wild Bolt. A curse or a blessing?

For those good Diviners out there: how do you stand it? I admire your patience, because those low-accuracy spells of yours drive me nuts! Especially old Wild Bolt. My compadre. My amigo. But not really. For those of you who haven't encountered this wacky little number, here's the info: Wild Bolt is a storm spell--2 pips--1000+ damage. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well it is. Because guess what, it's only 10% accuracy (well, 20% on treasure cards, but that's not much better).

I've got about six of these babies in my treasure card collection (courtesy of a kind Diviner friend--thanks Rowan!), and I'm happy to announce that I recently scored my first hit with one! You know, the great thing about a treasure card is when you fizzle it, you don't lose it. Just be aware that in the case of these high-power, low-cost, nearly nonexistant-accuracy spells, you'll just keep on fizzling. And fizzling. And fizzling...

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