Monday, May 10, 2010

Hybrid pets = super-duper

Thanks to the Friendly Necromancer for putting up this awesome link on his blog:

I'm sorry Friendly, I willingly admit to the crime of being a copycat (copycatting?). But sometimes things are just too super-duper to not write about!

It's a link to Central that shows all the new hybrid pets to be released! My favorite is the Ianthine Spectre--soooo cool! I'm also a fan of the Storm Cat and Ice Bird. Icezilla might come in handy, too...yeah, I think I'll be farming in Dragonspyre and Grizzleheim quite a bit...I love that these cards give you blades, too. Did you notice that White Rat Magician gives you a Time of Legend, and Storman gives a Darkwind? Pretty cool. I wonder if it does it before the attack or after? We'll just have to wait and see!

I'm gonna get me a Spectre on the Test Realm ASAP and train it, then combine it with Prince Shadow! Ooh, it's gonna be awesome!!! THANK YOU KINGSISLE FOR RESETTING THE CROWNS ON THE TEST REALM! Luv y'all!

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